The Tools You Need to Print Smarter

Although many businesses have gone virtually paperless, there still remains the inevitable need to print physical documents. When these needs arise, it’s important to remain smart about your printing decisions. Whether you are trying to going paperless or are still printing consistently, it’s vital that you have tools in place to keep your costs low and your efficiency high.

Here are some ways to ensure that your printing is happening efficiently:

  • Print caps and quotas. Ideally, efficiency and cost are at the forefront of every worker’s mind. However, in the day-to-day happenings of any workplace, these factors sometimes take a backseat. In the fast-moving world of business, sometimes limits must be put in place. Limiting the variables is a fundamental method of saving money in the workplace, and implementing print quotas is a great way to do just that. Try implementing caps on printing for individual employees. Make them aware of these caps and enforce them, then watch as your printing costs plummet.
  • Analytic reports. It’s hard to optimize any area of your business if you are in the dark about it. Utilizing print reports can show you trouble spots in your business, so that you can take the necessary steps to iron out those wrinkles.
  • Digitized documents. The phrase “going paperless” can be foreboding. Do not let intimidation keep your company from lower costs and higher efficiency. Even small steps in digitizing documents will show drastic improvements in your company’s workflow. The benefits of digital document management are virtually endless. If what you are looking for is speed, security, and affordability, taking the time to invest in digital document management is a surefire win. And the more you start to digitize documents, the less you’ll need to print!

Partnering with Infomax can take the guesswork out of smart printing, and our team of experts can help you transition to the world of digital document management.

Contact us today to learn how we can meet your business’s specific needs.