Kyle Parsons
What is unique about Infomax?
Culture. Our culture here is second to none. I have never worked for a company where the culture was this good. It isn’t something that happens overnight. Infomax has determined culture will be a significant part of our company a while back. We have implemented a once-a-month company-wide meeting called Raving Fans. The meeting is very much company culture-oriented.
What do you love about your job?
I am a Sales Manager. What I love about my job is that I get to help my Reps every day on anything that they need. I am here for them and to help them succeed everyday out in the field and their sales goals. The other thing I love about my job is every day is not the same. It is very much different day to day. I definitely look forward to each and every day that I go into work at Infomax.
If given a chance, who would you like to be for a day?
Tiger Woods